Channel: Simerjeet Singh
Category: Education
Tags: think happy thoughtsmaster your thoughtsmaster your thoughts master your lifethink happy thoughts poempoem on happiness and joyinspirational poems in englishthink happy be happymotivational poetrysimerjeet singh poemsedgar albert guest poemsedgar albert guestsimerjeet singhpowerful life poetryinspirational poetryinspirational poembe optimisticlife poetryhappy thoughts
Description: Think Happy Thoughts by Edgar Albert Guest | Powerful Life Poetry - Read by Simerjeet Singh | Master your thoughts | Inspirational poem on thoughts | Best poems of all time Watch Simerjeet Singh recite one of his favourite poem titled "Think Happy Thoughts" by Edgar Albert Guest. Inspiration to not worry about things that we cannot change and keep our thoughts positive. We hope you choose to think happy thoughts and be optimistic about life because better thoughts create a better life! Have a great week ahead! Regards, TeamSJS Think happy thoughts! Think sunshine all the day; Refuse to let the trifling worries stay, Crowd them with thoughts of laughter from your mind. Think of the good, forget the bad you find, Think of the sun behind the clouds; the blue And not the gray skies that you view. Think of the kindness not the meanness shown, The true friends not the false ones you have known; The joy and not the hatred of the strife, The sweetness not the bitterness of life. Think happy thoughts! Think happy thoughts! Think always of the best, Think of the ones you love, not those that you detest; Think of your victories and not your failures here, The smile that pleased and not the hurtful sneer, The kindly word and not the harsh word spoken, The promise kept and not the promise broken; The good that you have known and not the bad, The happy days that were and not the sad; Think of the rose and not the withered flower, The beauty of the rainbow, not the shower. Think happy thoughts! Think happy thoughts! This is true happiness! That life is sad that feeds on its distress; That mind is gloomy that subsists on gloom, And is as dismal as a curtained room, Where daily comes the sunshine, but to find It cannot enter through the close-drawn blind. Fling up the curtains of your mind today And let the morning sunshine in to play; Dwell on the joys and not the sorrows here, Master your thoughts and you have mastered fear. Think happy thoughts. by Edgar Albert Guest #PoetryThatInspires #ThinkHappyThoughts #SimerjeetSingh #HappyThoughts #EdgarAlbertGuest #InspirationalPoetry #SimerjeetSinghPoems #InspirationalVideos #MotivationalPoem #InspirationalPoems #PoemOfTheDay Listen to this motivational poem on #SimerjeetSinghPodcast: To listen to more Simerjeet Singh poems, please follow the playlist: For more information about Simerjeet Singh motivational speaker, please visit his website: Follow us on: Facebook Page: LinkedIn: Instagram: @speakersimer ( Twitter: @SimerjeetSingh ( Gaana: Spotify: JioSaavn: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: Amazon Music: Audible: Anchor: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Audio-Video Credits: Sonic Culture: ( |